Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Style Check : Skin Care


Summer is all about vacation, sleepovers, beaches, water fights, tank tops, flip flops, lemonade, sunglasses, taking pictures, bikinis, Ice-cream, summer breeze, camps. shorts, summer breeze, belly tops, Sand castles. short hair, mud fights,  pool parties, sun kissed hair, palm trees, Barbeques, clear blue skies, concerts.. Make it count!

And while we are out enjoying all these there is one thing which really bothers us and that is how to get rid of the summer tan. It amazes us to see how some of our American friends spend hours lying on the beach getting themselves tanned while how much ever we (Indians) try to keep the sun tan away from us by using several sun block sprays, lotions etc it still leaves its mark on us. Over the years we have tried several sun blocks and sunscreen lotions but we haven’t come across any lotions which actually manage to keep our skin color intact. Hence we thought anyways now that we have the tan let’s find out some solutions on how we can get rid of it.

So we researched and also tried some of the following tricks and it did work on us, so go ahead and try these magical tricks in case you too want to get rid of that ugly tan.

Here are few tips to treat sun tanned skin :

Grate potato and mix it well with cold milk and apply to the sun tanned area and leave it for 20 minutes to dry and then wash it well with cold water.

Mix cucumber juice and turmeric powder and leave it on the skin for 20 minutes or till it dries and then wash it with ice water or cold water.

Mix lemon juice and rosewater (5tbsp each) and apply it to the sun damaged area and leave it overnight and wash it next day morning with cold water.

Mix saffron or turmeric powder with 2tbsp of lemon juice and make a paste of it and the apply it to the tanned area and leave it for 20 minutes and then wash it with ice water or cold water.

Mix gram flour(besan), lemon juice and 1 drop of olive oil/coconut oil make a paste of it and apply it to the sun tanned area and keep it for 15 minutes and then wash it the cold  water.

Tomato juice and lemon juice both in equal quantity mix it together and leave it on the sun tanned area for 20 minutes or till it dries and then wash it with cold water.

Mix yogurt and orange juice well and keep it on the affected area for 20 minutes and then wash it with cold water.

Mix multani mitti, cahndan powder and rosewater, make a paste of it and then apply to the sun kissed area for 20 minutes and then wash it with cold water.

Refrigerate cabbage or lettuce leaves soaked in water and then put those cold water soaked leaves on the sun tanned area as long as you can keep.
Coconut water is a good remedy for sun tanned skin.

Aloe Vera Gel removes sun tan without any irritation from the skin.
Butter milk also helps in removal of tan from the skin.
Ice and cold water also remove sun tan.

Repeat the above mentioned remedies for alternate days for two weeks and soon you will notice that your skin color has regained its original tone.

Do share if you know more of such remedies.

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