Saturday, June 15, 2013

Home made remedies

6 Easy Homemade Treatments for Hair:  

·      Egg: Egg white (1 egg ) is a rich source of protein and can be used for hair treatment when mixed well with lemon juice (I tsp.) and olive oil (1tbsp) and left on hair for 45 mins and rinsed well with water.

·      Mayonnaise: Mayonnaise is not only used in salad but when coated on hair for 30mins and rinsed with cold water it leaves your hair smooth and shiny.

·      Yogurt: When yogurt(3-4 tbsp ,depends on the length and volume of your hair)  mixed well with coconut oil (1tbsp) left for 30 mins to soak in and then rinsed with water, it gives your hair that extra bounce .

·      Avocado: Avocado is good for skin and hair both if eaten at least once week , but it can also serve as a good source of protein if mixed with lemon juice (1 tsp) and olive oil (I tbsp.) left on hair for 30mins to dry and then rinse it with cold water.

·      Henna: Henna Powder when soaked in warm tea liquor, lemon juice (1 tsp), yoghurt (1 tbsp.), egg (1), mustard oil (1tsp) and left to mix well overnight and then applied on your hair next day and left for 30 mins on your hair can really make your hair silky smooth and soft. It also adds color to your hair. A word of caution it should not be left on hair more than 30 mins, otherwise it will leave your hair dry and rough.

·     Onions: An onion is an amazing natural remedy to fight hair fall and also can prove effective to increase hair growth. You might be thinking how to use the onion on your hair especially when it smells awful? But think of it this way: your hair fall will reduce by 75% in just three washes. Moreover, if you already see your hair line receding or some bald patches showing up, isn’t it better to opt for using something you would find in your own home instead of spending more money at the salon where they promise you great results with regular hair spas but which usually don’t work out ?

·      These treatments could be done once a month or at the most twice. Frequent protein treatments may make your hair hard and really rough. Try doing these treatments in moderation and we will find an improvement in your hair quality in two months.


  1. it will be really appreciable if the process of applying onions (for reducing hair fall & promote hair growth) is described .....

  2. Onions are high on sulfur content. That is why the juice of onions is capable of stimulating hair growth as sulfur helps in increasing blood circulation. It also diminishes any kind of skin inflammation due to its antibacterial properties. Moreover, onion juice makes your hair stronger, opens up the pores of your hair follicles that were blocked and prevents scalp infections at the same time.
    If you cannot stand the smell of onions on your hair, you can try this method instead.Chop an onion and soak it overnight in a glass of rum. Do not put this in your refrigerator. The following day, strain it to remove the onion bits and use the liquid for massaging your scalp. You can also use this as a hair rinse.

    Hope this helps.
