Friday, June 21, 2013

Style Check: Skin Care

Home Made Remedies to Combat Acne:
Life can never be as sad as spotting a sudden ugly bump on our face the first thing in the morning, even worse, if we have a special appointment that day. All of us have gone through this or may be some of us are going through this. Yes friends, we are talking about the “acne syndrome”.  These ugly spots never bothered us till we entered our teens, just when we needed to look good ;). Oh yes.. for those of you who thought acne and pimples were just a teen thing, hold on to your guns because they we’ll come back to haunt you again in your twenties, thirties and sometimes even in your forties. I guess they never learned to say good bye. So what do you do when these pimples suddenly show up from nowhere? Trust me the first thing that comes in my mind is to hide under the blanket and ask myself why God is so unfair to me :p, some of us get busy trying to find a reason to cancel their plans of going out that day while some of us try to hide it under consealers and heavy makeup foundation just to see it getting worse the next day. So yeah we all have our own acne stories.

The worse part about having an acne on the face is that it stays on for few days.There are plenty of products in the market for acne treatment but most of the products make the whole face skin go dry and dead…Trust me we won’t blame you if you ever got induced to buy the Proactive acne treatment products by seeing those believable ads on the T.V., only wished if those claims were true and those products freed us from our worst nightmare.

So what’s the plan B?? Plan B is a mix of some easily accessible, less expensive and more effective overnight acne pimple relief solutions that we have got just for you .. But before we give away these trade secrets , make sure that you consult a dermatologist for a prolonged acne problem and simultaneously try out these easy overnight homemade remedies:

·   Toothpaste: Apply toothpaste on the acne and leave it overnight and then wash it with warm water next day morning. Use a plain white toothpaste and not a gel.

·   Aspirin Powder: Mix aspirin powder with water and make a thick paste and leave it until dry and then wash it with Luke warm water. Apply green tea moisturizer after washing your face.

·     Baking Soda: Mix baking soda and water well, apply on the acne and leave it till dry wash it with warm water.

·       Tomato Pulp: Mix the pulp of a tomato and a cucumber juice well and leave it on the acne or on the oily zone for 30 mins and then wash it with warm water.

·         Cucumber: Mix cucumber juice, oatmeal powder and yogurt well and leave it on the acne till dry and then wash it with water .

·           Strawberry: Grind strawberry and mix it with honey and leave it for 20 mins on the acne, you can even apply it to the whole face and then wash it with warm water.

·        Garlic: Garlic is too strong when applied on the acne or pimple and it may irritate your skin for some time and it might make your skin turn red but it is an awesome remedy for acne. Leave it on skin for 5-7 mins and then rub ice on it.

·        Cumin Seed: Cumin seed paste is also good for acne relief.

·       Basil Leaves: Mix turmeric powder few pinches, saffron, milk(1tbsp),sandalwood powder (1tbsp) and basil leaves paste to make a mask. Apply this mask on your face for 20 mins to help you get rid of acne soon. Use this pack on a daily basis.

·       Cinnamon Powder: Cinnamon Powder and honey mix it well and leave it for 15 mins in the affected area and then wash it with warm water.

·      Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe Vera gel is the most effective way to treat acne. Aloe Gel are easily available in stores.

·        Mint Leaves: Mint leaves paste when applied on the affected area for 30 mins, it gives a very cool and soothing feeling and helps get rid of acne scar as well.

·        Coriander Juice: Make a paste of coriander and turmeric powder and apply it on the affected area. Please note turmeric powder should be used very little. As we know turmeric is also used in wounded areas to help in healing faster.

·      Rice Flour: Mix rice flour with water or milk and apply it all over your face and let it dry and then wash it well with warm water.

·        Clay Mask: Clay mask (Multani mitti powder)mixed with rose water and camphor powder(a pinch of camphor)when applied all over the face and neck it really makes skin looks healthy and bright. It can be done on a regular basis to get maximum result.

So next time you see that ugly bump no need to go under cover, use these overnight treatment to combat acne and enjoy life and yes don’t forget to drink at least 2 liters of water every day. 

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